
Free Webinar

Harmonization of Energy with Khaita Joyful Dance

With Adriana Dal Borgo and Menpa Phuntsog Wangmo

Join us this week as we discuss the beautiful practice of Khaita Joyful Dancing, with certified instructor Adriana Dal Borgo. Khaita, meaning Harmony in Space, is a method of community dance developed by the world-renowned Dzogchen Master, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Inspired by the cultural phenomenon of Tibetan circle dances, Khaita integrates the awareness, harmonization of energy, movement, and group collaboration.

Through Khaita Joyful Dances we tune as a group into the melody, discovering our inner harmony. In an enjoyable way, Khaita songs and dances guide us toward a relaxed disposition, sharing with awareness, cheerful moments with others. As we cultivate this relaxed presence in movement, harmony and joy develop naturally, and we carry it to our life, moving more easily through our routines, activities and daily tasks.

Adriana Dal Borgo

Adriana Dal Borgo has over twenty years of experience teaching comtemplative dance and awareness in movement. Her methods integrate harmonization of energy, and the practice of presence through sound and dance. Adriana has a degree in psychology, specializing in psychotherapy. She was appointed to teach Vajra Dance in 1992, and later on Khaita Joyful Dances, by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.

Born in Venice, Italy and with a degree in psychology specializing in psychotherapy, in 1986 she met Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s Dzogchen teachings from which she studied the Vajra Dance – a method for integrating meditation and movement – and later on the Khaita Joyful Dances.

Menpa Phuntsog Wangmo

Menpa Phuntsog Wangmo is a practitioner of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, with over 30 years of experience in clinical practice as well as teaching. She received her advanced degree from the Lhasa University School of Traditional Medicine

Menpa Wangmo is the Director of the Shang Shung Institute School of Tibetan Medicine. She teaches Tibetan Medicine around the world, developing programs and teaching students in the USA, Spain, Italy, Russia, and many places.

Menpa Phuntsog Wangmo is the Co-Founder of the American Tibetan Medical Association, ATMA, Tibetan Medicine professional organization.


Adam Okerblom, DAOM
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Practitioner and Teacher of Tibetan Medicine

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